Heya... completely forgot about this site, I might as well upload some art here.....
Howdy there, Carnelian reportin!😋
Voice actor, Writer, 3D Modeler, Creator of test126eye, Artist, etc, and more. 🎸
It's nice to be here! (I hope.)
Joined on 10/16/24
Posted by carnelianrzx - 2 weeks ago
Heya... completely forgot about this site, I might as well upload some art here.....
Neat! I'm excited to see it andcplease enjoy your time on this website
Thank you! I'll enjoy my time on here and try to grow as much as I can! 😋
Sadly… it happens to the best of us…
I was absent for atleast a year on here man.. Happens to all of us..😞